sleeping disorders-meaning, symptoms and treatment

 What is sleep?

Sleep is a complex natural cycle. While you are resting, you are oblivious, yet your mind and body capabilities are as yet dynamic. They are doing various significant positions that assist you with remaining sound and capability at your best. So when you don't get sufficient quality rest, it accomplishes something beyond cause you to feel tired. It can influence your physical and emotional wellness, thinking, and day to day working.

What are the symptoms of sleep disorders?

The causes of sleeping disorders are varied. Some are caused by lifestyle, others by physiological and genetic factors, and still others by medical conditions.

v You consistently require over 30 minutes every night to nod off

v You routinely awaken a few times every evening and afterward experience difficulty falling back to rest, or you get up too soon in the first part of the day

v You frequently feel drowsy during the day, lay down for continuous rests, or nod off at some unacceptable times during the day

v Your bed accomplice says that when you rest, you wheeze noisily, grunt, heave, make gagging sounds, or quit relaxing for brief periods

v You have crawling, shivering, or creeping sentiments in your legs or arms that are feeling better by moving or rubbing them, particularly at night and while attempting to nod off

v Your bed accomplice sees that your legs or arms jerk frequently during rest

v You have clear, fanciful encounters while nodding off or resting

v You have episodes of unexpected muscle shortcoming when you are irate or unfortunate, or when you snicker

v You feel like you can't move when you first wake up


Some common sleep disorders include:

a)     Sleeping too little due to excessive sleepiness, anxiety or depression.

b)     Struggling with insomnia, which happens when people have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep for long periods of time? Insomnia can be caused by stress, anxiety and other factors.

c)     Having trouble staying asleep at night due to nightmares or other stressful events that keep the mind awake after lights out.

d)     Having restless leg syndrome (RLS), a condition in which you feel restlessness in your legs when lying down, even if you do not move your legs or arms. You may also experience pain or burning sensations on one side of your body as a result of RLS.

e)     Having periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), where your limbs tic involuntarily during sleep and wakefulness causing you discomfort at night because of the twitching movements of your limbs during REM sleep (dreaming) phase."

f)      Sleep disorder is a medical condition that affects one's ability to go to sleep and stay asleep. Sleep disorders are common, which means that most people have experienced them at some point in their lives.


In addition to insomnia and other sleep disorders, there are many more conditions that can affect your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Sleep disorders are a common cause of chronic fatigue. Sleep disorders can be a symptom of many different health problems, but they generally fall into one of the following Categories, These include:

Narcolepsy- Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder that causes sudden lapses in wakefulness during the day. People with narcolepsy may fall asleep suddenly while doing almost anything — even watching TV or reading a book.

Somnambulism- Somnambulism (also known as somnambulistic disorder) is an abnormal behavior pattern involving sleepwalking or cataplexy (a temporary loss of muscle tone). This can include walking around while sleeping or suddenly falling down without warning.

Sleep Apnea- Sleep apnea, which is a condition where your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. This can occur at any time during the night, leaving you feeling tired and unrefreshed.

Restless legs syndrome- Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder characterized by an uncomfortable tingling or crawling sensation in your legs that causes you to move your legs frequently during the night.

Circadian rhythm disorders- Circadian rhythm disorders are conditions that interfere with the normal timing of your body's internal clock and make it difficult for you to fall asleep or stay asleep at night.


There are many different types of sleep disorders, each with its own particular symptoms and cause. Some sleep disorders last for only a few weeks or months, while others can be a part of your life for years. The most common cause of sleep disorder is having a bed partner who snores, sighs or talks during the night. Other causes include:


Age - As we get older, our bodies need more sleep than when we were younger. Older adults tend to wake up more often during the night and may have trouble falling back asleep after waking up.


Medications - Many drugs used to treat other conditions can interfere with normal sleeping patterns. These include some antidepressants, blood pressure medications and chemotherapy drugs such as Taxol (paclitaxel).

Sleep environment - If you have trouble falling or staying asleep in one room of your house but can fall asleep easily in another room, there may be something wrong with your bedroom furniture or lighting setup in that room. This type of situation is known as "bedroom.

The most common sleep disorder is insomnia, which affects up to 50 percent of all adults. This means that at least half of all adults have some sort of trouble sleeping at night.




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