What are the types of tenses?


Verb য়ে কোনো কাম কৰা বা হোৱা বুজায়। সেই কাম কৰা বা হোৱাৰ সময়কে Tense বা কাল

বোলে। Tense তিনি প্ৰকাৰৰ, যেনে – Present Tense (বর্তমান কাল), Past Tense (অতীত কাল) আৰু

Future Tense (ভৱিষ্যত কাল)।

Types Of Tense :

1. Present Tense (বর্তমান কাল) : যি কাম বর্তমান সময়ত কৰা বা হোৱা বুজায়, তাকে Present

Tense বোলে। সাধাৰণতে Present Tense Verb ৰ মূল ৰূপটো ব্যৱহাৰ হয়। অকল Subject টো 3rd

Person Singular Number হ'লেহে Verb ৰ ৰূপ সলনি হয়। যেনে: I eat rice, He plays in the field

Present Tense চাৰিপ্ৰকাৰৰ, যেনে –

(a) Simple Present Tense   (b) Present Continuous Tense (c) Present Perfect Tense (d) Present Perfect Continuous Tense

2. Past Tense (অতীত কাল) : বর্তমান সময়ৰ আগতে বা অতীতত সম্পাদিত হোৱা কোনো কাম

বা অৱস্থাৰ কথা বুজাবলৈ Past Tense ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। Past Tense ত Verb ৰ ৰূপ সলনি হয়। যেনে

Nayan was a good boy, I ate rice, She sang a beautiful song. Past Tense চাৰিপ্ৰকাৰৰ, যেনে-

(a) Simple Past Tense (b) Past Continuous Tense (c) Past Perfect Tense (d) Past Perfect Continuous Tense

3. Future Tense (ভৱিষ্যত কাল) : যি কাম পিছলৈ বা ভৱিষ্যতত কৰা হ'ব, তেনে কামৰ কথা

বুজাবলৈ Future Tense ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। Future Tense ৰ বাবে Verb ৰ কোনো বেলেগ ৰূপ নাই। মূল

Verb ৰ আগত Shall বা Will বহুৱাই দিলেই Future Tense হয়। যেনে – I shall run, They will play

football, He will eat rice.

Future Tense চাৰিপ্ৰকাৰৰ, যেনে –

a) Simple Future Tense  (b) Future Continuous Tense (c) Future Perfect Tense

(d) Future Perfect Continuous Tense

1. My friends (see) the Prime Minister yesterday.

Ans: My friends saw the Prime Minister yesterday.

He (drive) fast when the accident occurred.

2. Ans: He was driving fast when the accident occurred.

3. I (see) a bird in the sky now.

Ans: I see a bird in the sky now.

4. I (have) my dinner an hour ago.

Ans: I had my dinner an hour ago.

5. Ice (float) on water.

Ans: Ice floats on water.

6.We (enter) the class room before the teacher came in.

Ans: We had entered the class room before the teacher came in.

7. We reached home after he (arrived).

Ans: We reached home after he had arrived.

What is she doing ? She (cook) food.

8. It has been raining since eight o'clock.

Ans: What is she doing ? She is cooking food.

9. I (wear) this coat for very long. It still looks quite new.

Ans: I haven't worn this coat for very long. It still looks quite new.

10. I could fly, if I (be) a bird.

Ans: I could fly, if I were a bird.

11. His master (never) angry with him even when he is late.

Ans: His master is never angry with him even when he is late.

12. It (rain) since eight o'clock.

13. I (have) my dinner half an hour ago.

Ans: I had my dinner half an hour ago.

14. Water (flow) downward.

Ans: Water flows downward.

15. Azad (get) up from bed early everyday.

Ans: Azad gets up from bed early everyday.

16. He always (say) very little when there are strangers present.

Ans: He always says very little when there are strangers present.

17. As you go out, make sure that the fire in the kitchen still (burn).

Ans: As you go out, make sure that the fire in the kitchen is still burning.

18. She (be) in Kolkata since 1990.

Ans: She has been in Kolkata since 1990.

19. Arup (work) hard daily.

Ans: Arup works hard daily.

20. I wish I (can) help you.

Ans: I wish I could help you.

21. At this time tomorrow they (play) in the garden.

Ans: At this time tomorrow they will be playing in the garden.

22. He (finish) his work before I came.

Ans: He had finished his work before I came.

23. Fortune (favour) the braves.

Ans: Fortune favours the braves.

24. He (walk) across the road when a scooter hit him.

Ans: He was walking across the road when a scooter hit him.

25. The bus usually (arrive) here at 5 o'clock.

Ans: The bus usually arrives here at 5 o'clock.

26. Mr. Kalita (not come) yet.

Ans: Mr. Kalita has not come yet.

27. Everybody (love) his motherland.

Ans: Everybody loves his motherland.

28. I (not see) John this week.

Ans: I have not see John this week.

29. I thanked me for what I (do).

Ans: I thanked me for what I had done.

30. You must not leave this place until you (finish) the work.

Ans: You must not leave this place until you have finished the work.

31. He (be) here for the last three weeks.

Ans: He was here for the last three weeks.

32. I (wait) for you since 8 a.m.

Ans: I have been waiting for you since 8 a.m.

33. Birbal (not come) back from the market yet.

Ans: Birbal has not come back from the market yet.

34. The boy jumped off the bus while it (move).

Ans: The boy jumped off the bus while it was moving.

35. He (kill) in an accident last year.

Ans: He was killed in an accident last year.

36. We shall wait here until he (come) back.

Ans: We shall wait here until he comes back.

37. If you (go) right then, you could catch the train.

Ans: If you went right then, you could catch the train.

38. The school time is over, the peon (ring) the bell.

Ans: The school time is over, the peon is ringing the bell.

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